Team Haya Racing from PES University is not a bunch of students brought together by chance, but a group of petrolheads brought together by passion. A passion ignited by the roar of an engine, a passion kept burning by the constant thirst for perfection and knowledge.
Team Haya has its legacy of 10 years built on the guiding principles
Team Haya Racing is the official Formula Student team of PES University founded in the year 2008. Team Haya Racing is not just a bunch of students, but an extremely dedicated and passionate group of hardcore petrolheads whose enthusiasm knows no bounds. The veins of the team run full of adrenaline filled by it’s members’ passion.
Team Haya Racing found its origin as a small group of petrolheads whose craze for automotives was limitless, and has grown to a team of 53 enthusiastic individuals with endless fervor. The work environment at Team Haya Racing is where you will come across utmost dedication and harmony seldom witnessed elsewhere. The team was spearheaded by Dr. V Krishna in it’s initial years and is now guided by the wisdom and experience of our beloved faculty coordinator Dr. N Rajesh Mathivanan.
Team Haya Racing functions along the lines of it’s three fundamental principles LEARN. BUILD. ACHIEVE. The team designs, fabricates and races the monsters that it visualizes. At Team Haya Racing, every single individual has a dream which they strive to realize in the years to come during their tenure at the team. Every single prototype racecar has a story which comprises of dreams turning to reality owing to the blood and sweat shed due to the hardwork, and the time and energy spent. The journey of Team Haya Racing is built on passion.